Thursday, July 17, 2014

RSS Reflection

I am really impressed with the way Russell Street School uses blogging. First off, the parent-school connection appears to be in a great place. Parents can see what is going on with the school, what their children are learning, and do have access to various resources. I love how they include videos of the students and of relevant content. It makes it more personal!

The blogs also provide for an opportunity for students to write for an audience. Not just their teacher, but blog viewers! Which includes the world! Pretty incredible concept. I know when my students have an audience for their writing, they tend to care a bit more about what they write, and how they present it.

I loved looking through the digital portfolio examples. I am really hoping to do this with my upcoming class. I liked how they utilized other technology tools with their blogs (YouTube, Vocaroo, Padlet, Screenshots, etc) and even did homework assignments on their blogs. What is so great about this digital portfolio is that it provides a record of learning, and allows you to see growth, as well as reflect. I am beyond excited to get rolling beyond the occasional blog post that I had my students do last year, to a much richer and more powerful learning experience this year with the idea of digital portfolios.

I love what the Russell Street School is doing, and plan on showing my administration the power of a school blog, to showcase student learning as well as keep parents in the loop. All we have for parent/school connections are a pretty extensive website and a Facebook page that is underutilized. I am hoping they see the power of the Russell Street School blog!

1 comment:

  1. Marne:
    Great idea to specifically share the Russell Street School Website with our own administrations! Although our school website has recently improved, it is far behind Russell!
