Thursday, July 17, 2014

Russell Street School Prompt

At first when I visited the school's website, I thought I was going to be looking into an online school.  I was interested to find out that this is a regular school that uses a lot of technology.  Another interesting fact about RSS is that this school goes all year round.  I'm curious as to how that works for so many reasons, but I'm sure it becomes the norm like we go to school August-May/June and have about eight weeks off.

How RSS uses blogs is what I want to create with my classes.  I didn't plan on having students create their own blogs just to prevent issues, but I love that some classes use their blog as a portfolio.  This is great for so many reasons, but I especially like that parents can see how and what their child is learning along with how their child thinks, writes, and participates.

I never would have thought of young children blogging.  I planned on keeping my class blog simple for my seventh graders, but once they are introduced to it they will be able to handle it.  It is so good for them to be able to learn to type at a young age, practice their writing skills, reading, peer reviewing, and much more.

None of the Street Talk videos worked for me. They all said "Video does not exist".  If any of you were able to watch them, I'm curious as to what they were, what they were about, how they were created, and why they were made.  I saw RSS won an award for creating these videos I really wish I were able to watch at least one of them.

I love how the entire school is on board with using this much technology.  It is a great learning experience and very beneficial for the students.  I learned a lot of different things that I can do with my own blog from this school; posting Student's of the Week, quality work pieces, examples of work for parents to see, and MUCH more!

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