This is an excellent example of what a school blog
really can do! There are multiple
examples that gave the reader a real feel for what the school is actually
like. In a sense, the blog gave the
school a unique personality by showing the individuality of the students
through their work and their reflections.
It is obvious that this is truly a community partnership that includes
students, teachers and parents. This
site highlights the inclusive nature of Russell Street School.
The school definitely illustrates the ability to
merge a traditional school with modern technological tools. By having both the students and the teacher’s
blog, everyone is able to see the same project or event through multiple
perspectives. Parents are able to “see”
what their students are accomplishing on a regular basis. Students are able to look back and reflect on
not just one piece of work but on their entire collection of
accomplishments. Russell exemplifies
student-centered learning.
The one question I really had was how much time does
it really take to put this together? Do
both students and teachers do this on their own time or during school
time? The links are fantastic! But who puts these together? I know how much time my own blog takes so I
can only imagine the effort that goes into this site.
Another feature of the site I particularly
appreciated was the “eLearning center”. Every
school should have all of their policies in one easy to find location. As a parent, I cannot tell you how many times
I have searched and searched to find this information for my son. Some things are on his school’s website, some
are in the school’s paper manual, and other pieces of important information
were sent via email. I also loved how
they had an archive of all their newsletters.
This site was visually appealing and easy to
navigate. There was a lot of
information, yet never felt too cluttered.
They did an excellent job merging technological and educational
principles but always remaining student-centered.
Hi Kim:
ReplyDeleteExcellent question... "The one question I really had was how much time does it really take to put this together? Do both students and teachers do this on their own time or during school time? The links are fantastic! But who puts these together? I know how much time my own blog takes so I can only imagine the effort that goes into this site."
I love updating and using technology, but it seems as though we keep getting required to do additional things but nothing is taken away! My district starting paying all teachers to maintain a web presence, but the amount of time I put into it is no where near close to what they pay. I still don't think non-educators realize how many extra hours teachers put in every day and every weekend. Some comments I hear sound as though the public believes teachers still work like it is the early 1900's.
Sorry, getting a little off topic! - Angie